Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Running @ Work

I have been doing this for a while, but lately I have been thinking how lucky I am to have this luxury.

Luckily, my boss is super-flexible with my schedule and I have some great co-workers who are also runners.

The number one question I am always asked is "do you shower after?" And simply the answer is NO. I am the first to admit that I am a SWEATY girl, but I am not a STINKY me I've done a small poll.

Running at work is not as hard or as gross as you think.

Here are my tips for running at work:

1) Just in case, always tell work your boss and/or co-workers your planned route. Safety first people! Running with someone else is always a good choice too!

2) Use one of those great websites like Map My Run to plan out your route in advance, taking notices of your distance, but also picking less congested streets to run on. I work in Downtown LA people, trust me it can be done!

3) Vary your routine. Have an afternoon meeting? Run in the morning ( its probably cooler anyways). Need an afternoon pick-me-up? Run at noon to re-energize the rest of your day.

4) Since you are using your break time to exercise, plan to pack your lunch and prepare to eat at your desk. This has an added benefit. You can't go grab greasy takeout with co-workers. Saves money and calories. And you are more likely to plan your meals ahead of time which may lead to some healthier food choices and its cheaper!

5) If hitting the streets is not an option for you, you can run at a local gym and log some treadmill time. This saves you from three potential challenges: safety (you are in doors) , access to showers (if you are super concerned about your stank!) and weather!

6) If you don’t have access to showering facilities at work, like me, ( and who does really?!?!) I created myself a little "desk kit" of products to "freshen up" for the rest of the day:

-Deodorant...self explanatory...

-Face wash (who wants to sit for 8 hours with sweaty face, that is a welcome invitation for pimples! no thanks!)

-Baby Wipes or Sports Wipes to wipe away sweat and salty post-run residue from head-to-toe. I have used the Nathan Shower Wipes, and I like them, but they are pricey. ( My runner friend just uses plain old Huggies diaper wipes ( cucumber-melon scent) and she says they work just at good...and its an economical choice. Mental note, add that to the Target list...

-Brush and/or Hairdryer (in case you really need to look polished). Otherwise I got with the trusty sleek, low bun. Looks stylish and professional and its easy!

-Extra bobby pins, hair bands, etc...what girl doesn't already have a small collection with her anyways?

Anyone who is avid exerciser or runner knows its all about fitting it in and if that means running at work than so be it. Hey, its one less thing to do after work...and I like that!

Happy Running!

PS: Now if I could only convince my boss to get me one of these...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A week without a microwave...

A week without a microwave will really make you re-evaluate your nutrition...

In the hulla-ba-loo of moving we were without a microwave for about a week. Sadly, you don't really realize how much you depend on a microwave until you don't have one.

At first I was frustrated at not having one...then I was just disturbed by how much I felt I needed one.

On most week nights I moonlight as a single gal, while my guy is at work. "Cooking" for one usually consists of heating up some yummy frozen concoction from Trader Joe's, coupled with some salad greens...healthy enough...but requires the microwave.

Deep inside of me there is this girl who wants to beak free of ALL processed food and live this life full of fresh, raw, not chemically mutilated food....but dang, it is hard to do.

(A side note: My "processed" food from Trader Joe's I know is much healthier than say processed food from my old pals Ronald and the Hamburgler or say my college days of Hot Pockets....but it still has added "stuff" that I could probably use less of in my sodium, sugar, preservatives, food dyes....)

Back to my argument...

Processed food is cheap. Processed food is fast.

The 21st century lifestyle is a lifestyle of convenience....gadgets and gizmo's promising to make our lives easier, but really I feel like they are making us sicker...aka: less healthy....

Enter the microwave.

Now, I will not be throwing away my brand new microwave...don't worry I have not gone all "crazy hippy" on you... but it made me want to re-evaluate the food I put in my mouth and the stuff we call food we put in our bodies. Its nice to take some time and reflect on this, from time to time.

I am striving to eat more fresh foods, more REAL ingredients (minimally processed)...and actually cook ( not "nuke") more...and perhaps share a few delicious recipes along the way...

Happy running...and cooking!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

blogcation is over and more general updates

Moving is NO vacation people! I have been REALLY MIA lately...

The past two weeks have brought on some exciting changes in life : new job, new house, new hair-do... :)

Hence the reasons I have been un-able to fully dedicate to the wonderful-ness that is my blog....but, alas, I am back!

So over the past two weeks I have resumed my normal running schedule of 3-4 days a week. I have even squeezed in a few spin classes and some REAL weight lifting (which makes me super happy!). I am still trying to find that happy balance of ALL the activities I like and how to schedule them appropriately.

In typical Lauren-fashion...I jumped back in FULL FORCE...

Blogcation Week 1: During my first week back to the regular running schedule, my legs had that heavy..."not so fresh" feeling. My pace was good (fast almost) but they felt stiff and heavy. I added in a few more rest days based on all the feedback from my other running peeps.

Blogcation Week 2: Last week...I was off work ( interim in between jobs and moving) so I was free to run whenever I wanted and hit the gym at those not so busy hours in the middle of the day (love love love!!!). Despite all the craziness of moving I got in 3 runs and 2 gym days! Woo hoo! I was looking at my gym training journal (a little notebook I carry around at the gym to log all my workouts, which exercise, how many sets, etc.)....and last day I did a REAL weight training workout was in Feb! Holy smokes!

While marathon training I mostly did free weights (upper body) and ball exercises in the comfort of my living room, since the demands of marathon training don't allow for much free time and LORD knows I did not want to be super sore the morning of an 18-miler. My legs were in quite a shock after a REAL leg workout! Hello sleepy hamstrings! :)

So, as I mentioned before, moving forward into my half-marathon training I am looking to find a balance between gym time and running time. Here is my tentative plan for the rest of July...I will see how I do, if I can stick to it, how my body feels, etc... I am hoping some extra cross training and strength training will help strengthen my legs to improve my running.

Mon: Run

Tues: Cross Training@ Gym: Spin Class and Weights

Wed: Run (Short-3 miles/30 min) and core-ball work @ home

Thurs: Run- ARC Run Group


Sat: Griffith Park Training Group: LONG Run

Sun (depending on how I feel and Sat mileage): REST DAY or Light Cross Train/Weights

Wish me luck! :)

Holla Back: What are your summer fitness goals? How do you keep your training schedule fresh and interesting?

Happy Running!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recovery and What's Next

There seems to be no real recipe for RECOVERY....some say run the day after ( to flush your lactic acid) some say take one day off for every mile ran ( 26 days off? Seriously???)

I have not run since last Sunday's BIG RACE....that is one full week of recovery.

In the days after the race I was experiencing some "strange" (yet totally normal) physiological issues.....from Sunday to Wednesday I was still feeling "sore muscles" ( albeit less and less as the days went by), at times I was starving and other times felt nauseous and didn't want to eat, I was tired, bloated with a capital "B" ( holy weight fluctuations!), super emotional....super happy and then was an interesting week to say the least.

I think this weekend I reached some sort of post race homeostasis and I am refreshed and ready to get back out there. All week I have been walking for at least 30 minutes each day, which yes, is a HUGE decrease in activity, but I think has really helped me heal my body.

So what's next? What is the game plan?

Well here is my post-marathon plan:

1) Keep Running....Duh!
I have not decided on my next marathon race, but I have already signed up to run a 1/2 marathon---the inaugural Rock and Roll LA 1/2 marathon in October. A half marathon seems like a more manageable distance and will allow me some more flexibility in incorporating other forms of exercise back into my schedule. I am also looking to maybe pick-up my speed a bit and work on my general pace and form to improve my running.

2) Get back into the gym!
Yes, there was room in my old training schedule for cross-training. But I was really preserving my body for the running, so that each of my runs, was the best they could be. Prior to my marathon training I had lost my way in terms of my exercise dedication. I had gone from 5 + days in the gym--with spinning and weight training---to maybe making it to the gym 2-3 days a week. I am excited and ready to get back into the gym and do some real weight lifting and more intense cross training cardio and mix that with my running schedule.

3) Stay Involved!
I am keeping my ties to all the great groups who helped me to train and prepare for my marathon. I am an official pace leader for my Thursday Run Club ( GO ARC!) I also signed on to be a mentor to new members of the American Heart Association Start Training program. As a mentor I will be able to share my experiences with the marathon newbies, be their cheerleader and support them in accomplishing this amazing goal! I am so excited! By staying involved and committed to these groups, it will also help me stay on track for my 1/2 marathon as well.

4) Other random ambitions not yet determined..

-Become a a personal trainer or spin instructor?

-Get back in the triathlon game? ( to serve my exercise ADD and I really miss swimming)

-Totally switch it up and try a bike specific race --like a 1/2 century or century race?

Who knows! :)

Holla Back: Are your exercise goals exclusive to running? How do you keep things fresh and challenge yourself physically?

Happy Running!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Full Race's a long one folks...

Can I just start off with a W-O-W!!!! What a crazy experience!

Overall: This was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life! I am so proud of myself! I can't believe I did it. I am so happy I never gave up and I kept running, even when it hurt like hell... Go me!

PHOTOS: Still trying to figure out how to make a photo slideshow on my blog....will post as soon as I figure it out...

Here is my long novel/recap of race day (with what I can remember... and all the gory details!)

3:00am: Alarm goes off.
yes, 3am!...yes, that's REALLY early.
After 5 solid hours of sleep...thank you sleeping gods!... I proceeded to get dressed in the bathroom (as not to wake my sleeping boyfriend), bodyglide-ed what seemed like my entire body ( just in case!), sunscreen-ed and ate part of my usual pre-run breakfast. I also readjusted my bib # like 6 times...nervous energy to burn

Random side note: I turned on the TV before I left...after I woke Kyle up by spilling an entire bottle of water on the hotel bed...and soaking him in his sleep....and what did I watch at 3:30am on a Sunday...Scream 3!!!! Random! ( Scream is one of my all time fav movies!)

4:00am: Take hotel shuttle to start line.
Thank you Hampton Inn...that worked out perfectly! Jessica, a friend from my Saturday training group--who I run with every single Saturday--was staying in the same hotel with me. So we traveled together to the start line together! Strength in numbers!

4:20-5:45am: Sit and wait....and porta potty lines
Arrived at Balboa Park....pitch dark. Jessica and I laid out our "trash bag beach blankets" to sit on the damp grass/cement and sat and waited....and sat waited. We slowly ate the rest of our breakfasts---we still had over 2 hrs until the start.

The morning allowed for some serious people watching (a fav hobby!) People dressed in costumes. People looking terrified. Girls wearing FULL faces of make-up to run a marathon (seriously?? you are lame, that's all I have to say!)

Some ladies had "marathon virgin" written on their calves--a la triathlon style--why didn't I think of that....darn!

I also really regretted not having a camera...but honestly I was already carrying some much fuel I felt like a pack mule...must re-strategize for the next race.

Now, lets talk porta potties....I have never seen so many porta potties in my life. Crazy! Luckily I had no issues in this department (as I and many racers often do on race morning....ok...maybe TMI...) But I must say, I do find it rather funny, because you can always spot the people who are really "not feeling well"....they are the porta potty line Nazi's who yell at you to keep your eyes on the opening doors....they need to relax....but I can sympathize....

5:45am: Enter Corral
yes, I said "corral".... yes, they herd you like wild animals....with ropes!

I was assigned to Corral many corrals did they actually have, you ask....39. So needless to say, I was starting towards the back of the pack...which I am totally okay with. Jessica was originally placed in corral 27 but she moved back to be with me (so grateful!)

Now getting into your Corral, its just fancy speak for standing and MORE waiting, packed up close and personal with a bunch of strangers. Strangers who are farting (remember what I said about pre-race nerves???) Strangers who are yelling. Why are you are 5.6 inches from your friend...I almost punched a lady in the face....seriously. It is a funny phenomenon, every anxiously wiggles around, almost like they are doing the I-have-to-pee dance.

6:10am National anthem and gun start

I have never heard 30,000 people be more quiet in my life than during that national anthem...crazy silence.

Gun start for Corral #1 started at 6:10...I will remind you, I am in Corral # 29....I had MORE waiting to do...

Approx 6:50am: Crossing the START line
I was ready to go. One foot in front of the other...took off after my foot hit the timing pad

Miles 1-6
These miles were good. Jessica and I kept a great pace. Unfortunately, my legs felt really shaky/wobbly, like the adrenaline was rushing through them, so I never got into "that groove" but it was ok since it was the start of the race and I was loving it. This part of the run was in downtown, Gaslamp area, near Petco Park. Early in the race I loved the fact that I was so intrigued by what was around the next corner, it seemed better than running the same paths at Griffith park week after week. The weather for the first hour or so was also perfect! Nice cloud cover, not too cold.

Miles 6-9ish
These miles were good, better than 1-6. My legs finally hit "that groove." Saw Kyle at mile 7...smiling and cheering me on!

Still great weather.We traveled from downtown out east. Don't remember much else from this part.

Miles 9ish-13.5ish: I will call these miles the "asphalt desert"
These miles were not so good AT ALL....quite bad in fact.

The asphalt dessert was the closed-down 163 freeway that we ran. A freeway that is slanted (ankles also hated this part!).

Upon entering the asphalt dessert, the weather also shifted....for the worse. Who knew SD could be so hot!!

I started to really over-heat being in the direct sun and probably from the reflection from the freeway's menacing black tar. ( Did I mention I am also as pale, as pale, can be...and us pale folk, DO NOT do well in sun!). Once I was over-heating, I started freaking out about my electrolytes and how much I was sweating and inadvertently started to OVER-hydrate. I didn't realize this until it was too late...about mile 13 I was pretty sure I was about to puke...water and Cytomax (a sad Gatorade wanna-be that I had been over-ingesting). That gross empty feeling of liquid jostling around in your belly in the heat, no bueno.

Side note: Highlight of slanted, asphalt desert...very cool tribal drummers. They were my fave race entertainment for sure!

On the 163 was were I also witnessed the marathon-only phenomenon of "Vaseline disbursement." Poor volunteers handing out plastic spoons and tongue-depressors covered in Vaseline to chaffing runners...gross and funny. People rubbing Vaseline on their armpits, inner thighs, men...their nipples....good times.

At the 1/2 marathon mark, Kyle greeted me at the top on a long hill. I told him I was going to puke. He encouraged me to keep going. After I passed him, I felt a wave of tears flood to my eyes....My first doubts entered my brain....Can I really do this? I feel sick! This sucks! It's so EFFING hot...I am only half way there!

I told Jessica I didn't feel good...and like any good friend and running partner, she slapped me back to reality and told me its all mental. She told me: You can do this! Don't think about it! We are half way there! And she instructed me to start dumping water on my head to cool off....duh?!?!

Why didn't I think of that? It's funny how you can get so consumed in what's going wrong, you forget your common sense. Running kind of makes you delirious.

( After mile 13, I dumped at least one cup of water on my head at every stop until the very end! Did I mention it was hot???)

My last observation for this section: After mile 10 there were A LOT more people walking than running. I was SO surprised. When I was feeling icky (and wanted to walk) I was almost jealous of these people, but I knew I had to keep on, keepin' on...and so the journey continued...

Miles 14-19
Don't remember much during this section either....maybe I blacked out from the heat.... :)

Of what I do remember, I got a new rush of positive thinking after taking my second Gu...and kept on pushing. Discarding my negative thoughts.

Saw my first race causality....girl laying on the ground with paramedics giving her oxygen....scary

I also remembering getting an delicious orange smiley at one of the water orange never tasted so good....yum! I ate it like a savage beast in one bite....probably scared the poor little girl who gave it to me...

Mile 19-20: Bathroom break
Okay at this point, I started getting these weird pains in my "sides/obliques"....took me a while to figure was my bladder screaming at me.

You see, during the Great Hydration freak out on the 163...I overloaded on the liquids big time. I have never had to pee while training. Never. I sweat so much and lose so much salt this is never an issue for me.

Suddenly, I realized I gotta go! So I pulled over into a park restroom ( better than a porta potty!). How I got back up after sitting on the toilet, I will never know. My legs were not happy from the stop.

From this point on, everything below my sports joke...cramped up. I felt like I might fold into a Popple at any moment. (Don't remember what a Popple was? It was a stuffed animal that rolled into a ball) My lats connecting down to my glutes, connecting to my hamstrings, wrapping around to my quads, down to my calves....even to the bottom of my feet....and I still have almost 7 miles to go....more than an hour....oh dear....

After mile 19, Jessica and I employed a "walk through the water stations" strategy. This gave our legs a quick break every mile for the remaining 7. Good plan!

Miles 20-20.5: Fiesta Island
Not a fiesta at all my friends! Not a fiesta indeed!

Flash back to three months ago when I first reviewed the course....I was happy to see Mission Bay Park and Fiesta Island since I was familiar with this area from the triathlons I have done here before. I knew it was flat and I knew the layout.

Back to marathon day....I am a cramped, hot mess. Fiesta Island seemed liked FOREVER.

Looking at the race comments, I see a lot of people agreed. One girl even called it "Shutter Island" after that recent movie- thriller with Leo DiCaprio ( good movie, go see it!)

Anyways, it was plain awful. Since it was an island, there were no spectators. Still bands, but no cheer-ers. This is also the last leg of the race and more people are walking now than ever before. The race path is narrow ( I usually ride it on a bike in the triathlon, so I never noticed before)....but once you have to zig-zag in and out of packs of walkers, you get annoyed. You waste so much energy and they are just plain in your way. I get it, they hurt, but move over to the side or walk single file. I may not be running very fast at this point, but I am still running and you are in the way!

At this time, since I was psychotically checking my Garmin watch about every 2 min, I discovered after 5 hours, that my mileage was about .25 ahead of the every time my watch chimed that I completed another mile....I still hadn't reached the official mile ultimately my Garmin tells me I ran near 26.5 miles that day....take that.... ha ha :)

Coming off the island, there is a tan, little man with a megaphone yelling " only .75 miles left, congratulations you are a marathoner, bring it home, finish strong." And while I was happy to hear this .75 never looked so far away...

Miles 21.5-26
Off the island. I see what "appears" to be the final white tent....oh sweet, sweet finish line....wrong....that is the mile 26 tent....remember I said you get delirious....

OH HELL NO! Is what I said inside my my best Real Housewives of Atlanta voice...

I looked over at Jessica....where did she go? She took off sprinting...

Ok, I guess we are sprinting to the goes nothing, come on body....let's do this....

Mile 26 to Mile 26.2
My sore, cramping, hot, achy body took off...I honestly could not feel my legs....I passed people left and right, saw Kyle right before I crossed the finish line....cheering me on those last few seconds....and then I crossed that timing pad....I was done...I was a marathon finisher....

Post Race Corral: the "Secure Zone"
After I crossed the line, I felt woozy for sure....but suddenly so happy! Forgetting that my body was trying to collapse and fold up like a poolside lounge-chair....I had to keep moving.

First was the medal...yes!

Next...My hands were shaking so bad when they handing me my water bottle....which I think I drank in two gulps...

Next, the race people were passing out wet towels, dipped in ice water....wonderful!

Then the post-race medal photo. ( It turned out good! Promise to upload soon!)

Next, they whisked you past medical. There was a person asking: do you need medical attention? I wanted to reply: is the Pope Catholic? But I thought too much energy to speak, just shake head and keep walking to the food.

I grabbed a banana and some snacks and then finally met up Kyle ( outside of the "secure zone") and got a post race kiss and hug....happy ending indeed! He also became my human crutch...I could barely walk...


Happy Running... well, in my case...happy resting and recovery! :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The time has come...

Packing up the car and heading down to SD...

Saturday's agenda:
-Expo...sipping my gatorade
-Hotel Check-in
-Carb-filled dinner
-TRY to sleep

Sunday's agenda:
-Up at 3am
-Eat, Drink, Etc
-4:30 shuttle to start
-5:45: Enter Corral
-6:15 First Wave Start ( I am in Corral I will cross the start line around 7, I think)

Kyle is bringing his bike and will be meeting me at several spots along the course...What a trooper, love that guy!

AND.....FINISH!!! :)

Full race report when I get back in town!

Happy Running!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dedications Wrap-Up

Okay, so if you can remember back to when I started this journey....I had planned to dedicate each mile of the race...

I had heard that the thinking behind this is... when you are in the marathon, struggling (because, inevitably, there will be struggling) you can mentally call on all of the special people in your life, who support you and those you are thankful for and use that to push you forward.

So back in February I started out strong with my dedications....and then lost track of them along the way. Not to say that there aren't TONS of great people who support me and inspire me everyday, because there are.

My race is Sunday (GULP!) And as I take a break from packing, re-packing, and checking my lists a thousand times, I want to take the time to thank everyone properly...

So here is my condensed dedication list....

1) Bema: For my grandma, who I am training in honor of. She passed away after having a stroke a few years ago. I love her and miss her. She would think I am crazy for doing this...she wasn't much for being sweaty... :)

2) Mom and Dad: Geeze do you sum that one, thanks for are amazing parents and I love you.

3) Tara: My lil' I said before "having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of." I am so proud of you and love you.

4) Kyle Walter: ( That's MY man!) You are the greatest guy on earth! Thanks for always believing in me, for always making me smile and for making me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world!I love you so much!

5) Jennifer Tauro ...okay... AND that guy you married, oh yeah, what's his name? Ryan Tauro? You have been my BESTEST friend since the wee little age of 9....I love you to death! Thanks for all the laughs, our long chats and for all your words of encouragement. I want you by my side at the next finish line! Ryan: you're ok too. Just kidding! I love the brother I never had :)

6) Cynthia Visage: The best friend and training partner a girl could ask for...although she had to sit this one out, she's pregnant you know :)

7) Chris Visage: To a great friend, who I bet would run this thing with me if he could (you see he is recovering from a bad hip injury)....wait maybe he wouldn't? :) He thinks I am crazy!

8) My "original" Simi Girls (Ryanne, Molly, Katie, Mindy and Sandy): Thanks for all your support. I love you guys...and for those of you far away, who I get to see less, I miss you bunches!

9) My "new" Simi Girls (Terra, Tatiana, Lindsey and Cindy--ok, ok she lives in Ventura, but let's not be picky) I am so happy I have gotten the chance to get to know all of see I was adopted by these girls back in 2005 when I moved back to Simi to go to girls are a blast! I love you all!

10) Alex Smith: she is really an "honorary" member of the "new Simi girls" group who I love dearly...but she gets her own shout-out for inspiring me to FINALLY start my own blog (Ryanne helped too!)... she is a great writer and friend!

11) My UC DAVIS Girls: Miss Megan and Miss Amber. Love you girls! Although we don't get to see each other that often...when we out! Thanks for all the support! Meg: I can't wait to see you after the race....I love you more than my luggage!!!!!

12) The rest of my family--on both my mom and my dad's sides. Thanks for all the well wishes, support and reading my blog! You mean so much to me!

13) This one is for ME #1 ....this is where I will be at the half-marathon point....half way there! Go Lauren, Go!!!!

14) To all my other friends who I love dearly....I am so lucky to have such great friends! There are too many to name..but you know who you are! :)

15) To the creators of beverage-love for you is unparalleled!

16)My running group at work- Cindy and Louisa. You gals are amazing! Nothing beats a "blah" day at work like pounding the streets with you guys. You guys are so fit and so inspiring! Thanks for pushing me!

17) To the rest of the amazing people I work guys are SO supportive! Thank you!

18) My marathon training group girls: Jessica, Megan and Cindy. I am so happy to have met you guys through this crazy process. We are so strong and so awesome. Can't wait to see you all at the finish line! I couldn't have made it through those runs without you guys...

19) ARC Run Club: I am so glad I decided to give it a shot...and I never stopped coming. What a great group of people! I am so happy to be a part of your fun running family! :)

20) To the makers of the Champion Sports Bra...your "support" has been pun...ok, pun intended. Although, on second thought, about mile 20 is when you will start eating away at the skin on my rib-cage...BAD sports bra!

21) To all my blog guys are amazing! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy yourselves...please stick around...I don't plan to stop... :)

22) This one is for ME #2 ...I have never run more than 22-miles, my longest training run. I will enjoy this moment and know that everything beyond this point will be a new accomplishment for me to be proud of. I will remind myself how far I have come, how strong I am, how dedicated I have been and I will tell myself...YOU CAN FINISH THIS!

23) Jillian Michaels...for being an inspiration. What a bad-ass chick?!?! Seriously.... When I want to give up I will just pretend like I am on the Biggest Loser and she is screaming in my face...and I won't give up and I will keep on running...

24) To all the people who donated money to support the American Heart Association on my behalf. This is a very important cause. Thank you so much!

25) To anyone who ever doubted me or underestimated me (that might have been my own self on a few occasions) ...well...BOO-YAH...I am almost done running a marathon...

26 and the .2) This is all for ME AGAIN! I am going to be so excited to finish (I am sure of that!), but I am going to be so proud of myself. I push myself really hard in life (on and off the running path) and I need to take a minute and enjoy it. Give myself a pat on the back. Nothing makes me feel better than doing something I have never done before or thought I could never do. I will have done something that not many OTHER people in this world can say they have done. This will be a proud 1.2!

Then....grab medal...locate food and beverage....and proceed to collapse in a giant heap... :)

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! I am one lucky girl to know all of you and I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me!

Happy Running!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thinking happy thoughts...the mental marathon!

My race is less than one week away....

Gulp! OMG! HOLY S#@&! NO WAY!....I digress...

And while I feel "prepared" for the race, I have been battling some negative thoughts.

Will I finish in the time I want?
What if its too hot?

What if my IT-bands ( yes, both....FML) make me
miserable for 5 hours?
What if I can't sleep?
What if Kyle snores all night?( ha ha j/ wait that could happen)

What if my stomach hurts?

What if I have to walk?

I know, from experience, that the mental training is one of the biggest, and quite possible, one of the most important parts of marathon training.

People who know me, know that I am generally really hard on myself.

I think that a lot of my success in this training process has been to be positive and to focus on the positive. This is hard work, let me tell you. My negative voices are loud and took some serious energy to defeat them. When I start feeling bad I remind myself that I truly kick ass and that I am pushing my body to extreme measures and reaching goals I never thought I could! And how could I be sad about that! I am awesome!

In my months of training I don't think I have hit the "WALL".... yet....( for my facebook followers: my post-22, 16-miler was a recovery issue not a mental issue....I think...I hope...) I hope I don't meet Mr. WALL on Sunday since I felt great during and after my 22 miler....a race simulation run essentially...

But at this point, I feel like, so what if I do, its not like I will stop and give-up. I know it will be hard...22 was hard, no joke....but I stayed positive, I sang to myself out loud (seriously...ask the Griffith Park construction works I passed 4 times during that run) and kept saying to myself "make it to the next mile", "one more mile", until there were no miles left. I am masochistic.....I like pushing myself.

I wanted to share a study I read about the "mental game" of marathoning....interesting stuff, I must say. So it appears that us runners typically use 4 types of psychological coping strategies to get through the BIG RACE:

Internal association: This is where you focus on how your body is feeling while you run--sore knees, sore muscles, too hot/too cold, tummy issues...wait that all sounded negative...let's try that again....loose muscles, good body temperature, good hydration...

Internal dissociation: This is essentially distraction: playing games with yourself ( make it to the next water stop, make it to the next trash can), singing out loud to your ipod, repeating mantras...

External association: This focuses on what is happening outside of your body... passing or being passed by other runners ( grrrr!!!), looking out for fluid stations and calculating pace, etc.

External dissociation: This one also focuses outwardly-but on things/events that are unimportant to the race.....the enjoyment of the scenery ( hello beach!) or crowds cheering you on, that hot guy running without his shirt....I'm just sayin'...

The study reported that the greatest percentage of those who hit the WALL said they had relied primarily on internal dissociation. It seems all-out distraction may make it difficult for you to judge your pace and to know other vital information( are you dehydrated or hungry?) It's therefore not a good idea to avoid monitoring your body and checking out altogether.

Internal association, the most practiced of the four strategies, magnified discomfort among the runners, who reported the WALL appearing much earlier and lasting longer than others.

External dissociation seems not to lead runners into the trap of hitting the WALL, as you might expect from the results of internal dissociation. The researchers speculate that the observance, however unrelated to racing strategy, of passing by other runners and spectators may provide enough of the focus needed to keep the correct pace and effectively anticipate hills and so forth. Similarly, runners using external association didn't experience the WALL as often or as intensely as the internally-focused groups. It sounds like the best strategy is to check in on your body periodically-if briefly-and focus most of your attention externally: on both factors important to the marathon as well as on the enjoyable atmosphere. Focusing on the cheer-ers may be unrelated to your performance in any direct sense, but it nevertheless has the power to surround you and energize you as you pound the pavement, keeping your head up, your confidence high and your feet moving toward that finish line....and really...THAT is my only goal for Sunday.

Holla Back: How do YOU get past the WALL? Any fun/funny mantras to share? :)

Happy Running!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Runner" or "Girl Who Runs"

Am I a “runner” or just "a girl who runs”?

What is the difference? Does it really matter? Does it matter what other people think about me or how they label me?

From my perspective I know some REAL “runners” and I know some “people who run.” The people in my Thursday running club---they are “runners”….but I run with them, so does that make me a runner?

I am not a fast girl…this body was built for endurance and strength…not swiftness…:) I think some people are surprised when they find out that I run…”oh you run?” ---- like since I am not 110 pounds there is no way I can be a runner…nonsense…

To many of my friends and family members…they see me as a “runner”---one of those serious hardcore types—while most of the time I see myself as just “a girl who runs.” When they categorize me that way---I have to admit it makes me feel pretty good about myself… :)

When I look back at past 5-6 months of training for this race…I think somewhere along the way I might have gone from a “girl who runs” to a “runner.” I don’t know when or how it happened but I think about running all the time, read tons of running books/websites/blogs, I am already thinking about my next race…I am trying new gear, new training ideas, always trying to improve and do my best, became a pace leader for my Thursday runninig club…and most of all I look forward to it....even miss it when I can't do it...

I guess at the end of the day…who cares if I am a “runner” or just a “girl who runs”… thats for me to define and not to prove to other people. I am happy with MY running lifestyle… I know I am healthy and strong…I am proud of myself…I do it for me and for no one else.

I think I will probably vasilate on this continmum for the rest of my life…

In 2008, I trained for my first ½ marthon, but then most of 2009 I didn’t really run at all….now I am training for a marathon. After this I am looking forward to re-incoprating other forms of exercise I back into my schedule (I miss you spin bike!)…so I may run “less”…. but I also am already planning to run a ½ in October….and maybe become a spin instructor….who knows….

All I know is that running, and being active in general, will always be a big part of my life…

Holla Back: Are you a "runner" or "someone who runs" ??? What do YOU think?

Happy Running!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Less than one month to go....

My, my, the time goes by SO fast...

I am officially less than one month away from running my very first marathon...

(Still makes me a bit nauseous every time I say that normal?!?!)

This has been a great journey for me. I am amazed at how strong I really am and how hard I can really push myself.

Last weekend was my 19-miler, and I have to say, I think it went awesome....the last 20 minutes were insanely hard. I was so irritable by the end I was yelling at all the gnats swarming what they presumed to be a dead-body... maybe it was my smell, maybe it was because I was running so slow.... :)

I have one more LONG run....22 MILES!!!!.... and then I begin my taper (tapering is the training phase right before a long distance event, such as a marathon, when a runner starts to cut back on his or her mileage....this helps you physically and mentally prep for your race).

I have always been more of the self-deprecating type, but I have to give my self some serious props on this... since starting my training program in January I have run over 291 miles!!

To is a little present I got myself....a GARMIN....and I love it!

And a new Running Divas tank top...."freakishly strong"....very true! :)

Thanks for all the support!

Happy Running!

Friday, April 30, 2010


Why is it that the "average" person has no problem taking a "rest day" ( a day off of exercise) but us exercise nuts freak out?

As an intelligent person, and on a logical level, yes, I understand the importance of a rest day...
-Better recovery- replace glycogen stores ( bring on the carbs!) and allow muscles to repair
-Reduced chance of injury- training for a marathon is inherently over-using the same muscles and joints, over and over
-Mental break- so you don't "burnout"

But... on a gut level, its hard to justify to yourself and to believe that NOT training could possibly HELP and make me perform better in the long run. It's hard to wrap your head around...

Its like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other...

ANGEL: Your body is screaming for a BREAK: My eyes have been twitching ( like crazy), I am not getting enough sleep (avg 6 hours is no bueno), my muscles feel heavy and don't "feel rested," I am having more emotional-type days (no one should cry for 4 days in a row...girl or not), my appetite is all off...

DEVIL: Your brain is screaming at you to SUCK IT UP: You feel guilty. You feel lazy. You are mean to yourself, you beat yourself up: Lauren if you can't run 5 today, what makes you think you can finish 19 on saturday, let alone 26...You only have 5 more weeks, push through it...So what if your knees/ankle/toenails hurt, keep going!

Isn't running/exercising supposed to relieve stress?!?! why am I stressed about running (or NOT running as the case may be)....

Okay body....I give win....let's rest...

Happy Running and Resting!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are you a good run or a bad run?

That's a great question Glinda... I wish I knew the answer...

Why is it that some days you feel like a Kenyan-running-rockstar and other days you feel like...well... you just feel like crap when you go out for a run? How does this happen?

The good days are great...endorphins flowing...feeling light on your feet...that feeling like you could run forever (ok...I might be exaggerating here....but those endorphins make you kinda kooky!)

The bad days are B-A-D! You feel like an elephant....your lungs somehow forgot how to process oxygen at their normal rate, your brain forgets how to regulate your body temperature and you are running around looking like a bright red tomato...and your heart, your poor heart, its pumping so hard and furiously it could quite literally knows this because its all you can focus on...

The problem with the bad run day or a good run day is you never know when its going to happen. When will it strike?

You can be feeling sluggish and having a bad day and then go for a run and POOF! Instant high---great run!
A good run:


You can be having a great day, totally pumped to get out there and do your run...and then BAM!---bad run...WTF?!?!

A bad run:

Throughout the past 3+ months of training for this marathon...I have had some GREAT runs and some NOT SO GREAT runs.

Luckily its about a 70% chance of a GOOD run and 30% chance of a BAD run. I guess that is what keeps me coming back for more...

Holla Back: How do you deal with the BAD days? Share please!

Happy Running!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sleep has been very busy picked up so fast, I don't think I really realized it. I am so used to running (no pun intended) on little sleep, tons of meetings and tons of social events on the weekends (not to mention that little race I am training for), that I realized I have not been resting all too much....or as much as I should be.

Now that I am training so much and with such duration and body needs more sleep now, more than ever! I know this intuitively, and I know this as a health educator/ health- knowledgeable type of gal.

What made me realize this?

Well my left eyelid has been twitching now for 6 days straight....will I die? NO probably it hella annoying? YES (and I use the word hella to emphasize just how annoying it has been)

After doing what any other overly-worried hypochondriac rational gal would do...I headed to the Internet to self-diagnose....

Enter Mayo Clinic, a reputable source of medical is the list of causes of eye-twitching....

-Alcohol---yes, ok I had some vodka this weekend, but that was after the twitching began
-Caffeine---yes, i have been an addict since high school, long before the twitching
-Fatigue---yes, hello?!?! did i mention i am training for a marathon
-Irritation of the eye surface or inner eyelids--kind of and many times in the past
-Lack of sleep--- HHHHHHHMMMMMM......yes....
-Physical exertion---yes, see answer to fatigue
-Smoking--no, never
-Stress---um, hello....!!!! :) But all joking aside, not MORE than normal

So I succumbed and called the advice nurse... who seemed to be worried it has been lasting for a week.

I proceeded to Kaiser. I was out of there in 5 min ( weighing me and taking my blood pressure took longer than my "appt"). The doctors brilliant diagnosis: yes, your eye is twitching. Solution: Get more sleep. I left pissed thinking, yes I know I should, but how....

Unless I magically turn into Evie from my one of my favorite old shows "Out of the World" and can suddenly freeze time...I will have to TRY to get more sleep....

Would you like to swing on a star.... Carry moonbeams home in a jar... And be better off than you are..... Or would you rather go to earth

Happy Running and Resting! :)


Monday, April 12, 2010

An open love letter to the gym

Dear 24,

Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder...

I know its been a while since we last saw each other. Our serious, intense, and often sweaty relationship, from 2005- 2009, were some of the best years of my life. I just never really realized it until now.

You pushed me. You challenged me. You transformed me.

My new boyfriend's name is 26.2. He is similar to you in so many ways, yet so different.

You like to be indoors. He likes to be outdoors.

Dates with you are filled with variety: jump-roping, weight lifting, spinning, lunging

Dates with 26.2 are sometimes monotonous; we do the same thing, over and over and over...

26.2 likes to keep me all to himself-- we often hang out together, just him and me. Sometimes I even have to listen to my Ipod just to keep myself entertained, he can be so boring!

With you 24, we had alone time, but we also had all our friends around to keep us company:

Bodybuilder Bob-the one who's grunts all the time when he lifts weights and then throws them on the ground, he's also good friends with Steroid Steve---who tries SO hard to cover up his back acne and stares intently at himself in the mirror...

And then there's Cardio Courtney- the girl who does the elliptical every day for two hours--and nothing else---in full make-up, she's also good friends with Abdominals Annie---who's "super-intense" workout includes slow/short walks on the treadmill, talking on her cell phone (loudly), who then goes and does a maximum of 50 crunches and calls it a day.

26.2 and I have not been getting along lately. We have a love-hate relationship.

I foresee my relationship with 26.2 to be over in early June. After that I'd love to see you more often. We can go back to the way things used to be: seeing each other 5 days a week, spinning together and lifting together.

What do you say? Can we give it another shot?

Until then my love....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

SMILE its time for your race photo!

Why can I never take a GOOD race photo....seriously...

I want to capture the triumph and glory of finishing my first marathon with a GOOD race I can order, frame, and actually not feel embarrassed to show other people.

After my race photos from the Old Augora 10k showed up in my email inbox (see below) I was more determined that ever to ensure that my marathon photos are good ones.

Looking constipated with a slight just have to laugh...
its ok, I am laughing with you...

Looking pretty good (probably one of my "best" race photos),
its almost like I am airborne, with an actual smile

And as a side-note...

why are those race photographers like camera-wielding ninjas....?!?!

They pop up out of no where! Usually after you just ascended a large hill and look winded and in pain....this never makes for a good photo.....NEVER!

Someone needs to share a few tips with these people:

1) Wear coordinated or bright colored shirts...seriously I am so focused on the race and my breathing, I literally don't see you until its too late, so you usually catch me adjusting my race belt, looking down, or in deep exhale...again not a cute look...


2) Not to sound like Mariah Carey or anything ( aka: photograph me on my "good" side) but people propelling forward in a running motion look strange from a straight on side view...try to take my photo from a distance, front view please!

I hear that at marathons they have a staged photo area for after the race where finishers can get a picture with their medals in front of a nice banner, but something tells me I will look less like someone off of the cover of Runner's World and more like my good pal Amy Winehouse after running for 5 + hours straight...

Regardless....I promise to share my marathon photos after the race, so we can get a good laugh see if I succeeded in getting the elusive GOOD race day photo! Fingers crossed!

Holla Back: What are your best race photo tips? Post your comments!

Happy Running!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dedication # 4: Tara

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. ~Amy Li

Similarly...Tara might say:
Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life. ~Charles M. Schulz

ha ha ha :)

For those of you who don't know Tara is my little sister. We didn't always get along the best when we were younger....good thing we are over that now! :)

Tara is always there to support me and cheer me on! And I am always here to do the same for her. I am so proud of the smart, sassy young lady she has become!



I love you!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

For your reading pleasure...

Long time, no post... What a busy past week I have had!

In light of sharing some seriously intriguing, thoughtful, poignant, funny writing....don't be shy, you can tell me how great this blog is.... :) I wanted to share some great links and articles that have caught my eye lately:

Wanna see how your marathon time stacks up against the celebs?
Check out this slideshow....Will Ferrell? Seriously?!?! Who knew...

Would Your Pantry Make Great-Grandma Proud? A nice follow-up to my grocery shopping post from last week...

Women have to exercise 1-hr (minimum) EVERY DAY to maintain our weight...WTF!?! can you say "unfair?" Dust off those gym bags and lace up those running shoes ladies...

Spring Tune-up: Breaking the Hibernation...if the couch and In-and-Out burgers have been your best friend this these tips to get ready for spring fitness!

What do you mean? Don't you guys read online articles in lingerie? .... ha ha ha j/k :)

Happy Running....and reading! :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I ♥ Grocery Shopping!

If there is one thing this girl looks forward to each week....its grocery shopping. (And with this new unrelenting ... "expanded" training appetite, I look forward to grocery shopping more than ever!)

I am not sure why I love it SO SO MUCH...well lets see, for starters, you get to make a list (I love lists!)...

I am not an "in and out" type of gal either, I like to take my time, walk every aisle, peruse the new products, read all the labels...I average about an hour every time I go. I have a standard process: produce first, walk the aisles, frozen and dairy last. I have been known to go more than one time in a week---hey, bananas do not last long!, I need more---or even go to more than one store in a day---hey, there are things at Trader Joe's that I can't get at Pavilions and vice versa.

I think my love of grocery shopping started a long time ago...when I was very young I would go every Saturday with my mom and my little sister. My mom was savvy coupon clipper, so she make a game out of grocery shopping. She would give my sister and I each a coupon for a product and then my sister and I would race to find the product and bring it back to the basket first. It was a blast! I can't wait to do this with my kids!

When I got older, in high school and when I moved back home for grad school, grocery shopping turned into quality time with dad. We would go every Sunday together. Since I have always been "into" health and nutrition and was studying public health in grad school, it started to rub off on my parents. My dad and I always read all the labels, checked all the ingredient lists and talked about all the different food trends, news etc. I always looked forward to that time together.

I can even remember in college, when I was living with one of my best friends Megan...when I would ask her to go grocery shopping with me, she would say something like "is this going to be a 'quick trip" or a 'Lauren trip?' She would always tease me on how we would be there all night. Megan: I think Kyle would agree with you now! :)

When you know about food and I mean really KNOW about food---the crap they put in our food, the bad stuff lurking on every label, how much protein you need, how to spot trans fats---finding healthy, delicious foods at the store can be a laborious task, but also kind of fun...

Here is my usual game plan for HEALTHY grocery shopping:

PLAN AHEAD: Make a list! Think about your week ahead, even make a sample menu for the week. I know myself--I will over-buy if I don't come prepared. But I am flexible if I come across something new, I will toss it in the basket.

READ LABELS: Stay away from anything with "partially hydrogenated oil" on the ingredient list, look out for high-fructose corn syrup. And on a second note: take notice of how many ingredients there are TOTAL, if the list is long....pass it up, its over-processed, full of fake "food-like" substances and chemicals and is ultimately less healthy for you.

SHOP THE PERIMETER: The edges of the grocery store are where you will find your produce, meats and dairy...the fresh stuff that needs to be refrigerated. Even though I do like to walk the aisles, I don't really buy that much stuff from inside the center of the store--besides cereal, canned beans and maybe the occasional box of funfetti cake mix...hey, I'm human! :)

What are YOUR favorite places to shop? What food rules do YOU live by when you are grocery shopping? Post your comments!

Happy Running...and Shopping!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is YOUR running style: Solo Mission, Partner in Crime or Group Shenanigans?

Running with a Buddy:
When I first "really" started running I always ran with someone else. Having a partner or buddy seems to make time go by faster, you are forced to run at a steady pace and there is always safety in numbers. Running with a partner can motivate you, can get you out the door when you don't feel like it and can give you someone to talk to on the run.

Running Alone:
Once my favorite training partner began to start a family (I miss you Cynthia!), my runs became more and more a series of solo missions. Running alone has its pros and cons too. Pros: you don't have to talk if you don't want to, you can rock out to your Ipod, you run anytime that works for your schedule. Cons: I sometimes feel less safe, its easier to slack off or even talk yourself out of going all together.

Running with a Group:
As you already know I am training with the American Heart Association "Start Training LA!" group. They give us workouts to complete during the week on our own and then we do our long runs together in Griffith Park. I have met some great people and a few ladies who are about the same pace as me, so we keep each other entertained during our long runs. Its great!

I have also been running with some girls from work on and off for about two years now. What a great way to break up a long work day! And my boss is so great she doesn't care if we are sweaty for the rest of the afternoon and we can walk around in our gym clothes ( hey we are the health dept after all, shouldn't we be practicing what we preach?!?!) These wonderful ladies run at a faster pace than I would naturally run, so its nice to challenge myself and vary my tempo every now and then. And the best benefit: when I get home after my commute....I can kick back and relax since I have already done my workout!

Leaving a note and prepping for a lunch break run

Last month I also joined ANOTHER running group that one of my fellow marathon training gals told me about...The Runner's Circle. Its a small, but mighty running store in the LA Loz Feliz area. Its a few miles from work, so every Thursday night I head up the road and join them for their weekly FUN runs. (Another great way to get my workout in before I even get home!) What a great group! Ironman triathletes, marathoners, you name it....they are so inspirational and super welcoming. They do a great pre-run stretch session, provide snacks and do great giveaways EVERY week.

If you are in the area, check them out:

Me winning a t-shirt at the Runner's Circle!

I guess each style has a time and a place and I have enjoyed them all!

Do you run alone, with a buddy or in a group? Whats your preference? Post your comments!

Happy Running!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dedication # 3: Kyle

You know you are in love with a pilot when:

1) You know what VFR and ZULU mean
2) You "almost" miss it when you pull out clothes from the dryer and NO earplugs fall out
3) You always have your own personal know what the weather patterns are and you get updates at least every 2 hours
4) You enjoy flight manuals and training guides as part of your coffee table reading materials
5) You know how to name all the types of clouds and talking about cloud formations is a regular part of your afternoon
6) Your boyfriend wants to name your unborn children "Wilbur" and "Orville" (as in Wright Brothers)...or if you have a girl "Amelia" (as in Earhart)

Thank you for all of your support---not just in my marathon training, but every day! And for everything you do every day to make me laugh, smile and feel like the luckiest girl around!

I Lima-Oscar-Victor-Echo you!

My pilot

And, just for fun, one of my favorite pics of Kyle as a little munchkin!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Training for a like being pregnant.....?!?!

When I am running, especially long mileage my brain goes all over the place in terms of thoughts...this past weekend's 12-miler was spend thinking about what to be for Halloween (yes, I know October is over 6 months away, but you can never be too prepared!), what kind of car will I get next, Easter basket ideas for kyle....and.... how training for a marathon is "kind of like" being pregnant....

Go with me on this one...AND before any rumors get started, NO I am NOT preggers! :) My extensive scientific "data" has been collected by watching my pregnant girlfriends live these experiences.

1) People/strangers always have some awful/disgusting/horror story to tell you.

When you are pregnant this story usually involves the actual delivery of your child, it involves ripping, bleeding AND screaming/crying...

When you are training for a marathon this story involves puking, bleeding nipples, toenails falling off AND screaming/crying...

2) People/strangers feel the need to give you unsolicited advice.

When your pregnant this advice involves the best stroller to get, why breastfeeding is better than formula, why you need to rub that cocoa butter all over your body.

When you are training for a marathon this advice involves which Gu flavors won't make you gag, the best socks, why you need to rub Body Glide all over your body

3) It's physically taxing and is a "physiological cornucopia" of changes.
When you are pregnant you are exhausted, hungry all the time, nauseous sometimes, your back hurts, your clothes start to fit weird (too tight), your feet hurt, you are emotional (the hormones)...

When you are training for a marathon you are exhausted, hungry all the time, nauseous sometimes, your back hurts, your clothes start to fit weird (too loose), your feet hurt, you are emotional (the ups and downs of consuming carbs and low blood sugar)...

I'm just sayin'.....What do you think? :)

What do YOU think about when you run? Post your comments friends!

Happy running!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hunger Pangs

Lately I have been hungry.... REALLY hungry, like tummy growling, nauseous, about to eat my left arm hungry.... as the experts tell me, this is to be expected when training like this...
But with my busy schedule, a typical work days look like this:
  • Wake up
  • Commute to work- eat breakfast on commute
  • Work
  • Eat snack
  • Work
  • Eat lunch
  • Work
  • Commute home- eat snack on commute
  • Run or Gym
  • Eat dinner
  • Sleep

Rinse and repeat. (Mondays and Fridays are typically my days OFF from training)

Balancing healthy eating AND eating at the right times (before or after a run) can be a challenge...There are so many factors to consider:

How long before I start running?
This seems especially important for after-work runs...I have to factor in time from my commute as well as when I will eat dinner... Running with a full belly is bad and running on no fuel is also bad...

How long will I be running?
Only 30-45 minutes: a 200 calorie/small nibble should do...
1 Hour + ( the long runs, with my training group) : I will definitely need my fuel belt--packed with water and Gatorade. In addition to a good, carb packed breakfast, I might need a snack- fig newtons, Cliff shock blocks, etc. I have been finding on my long runs, after about 4 miles....45 minutes into the run...I am getting hungry. This is not good.

When will I have time to eat after I run? or How long after my run is my next meal?
If I finish a run and have dinner plans in 3 hours, I need to eat something small--usually a small protein shake. If I am on my own, on a regular week night, I make sure my next meal is a good protein/carb combo.

And the I really want to replace all those calories I just burned...if I am trying to loose a few unwanted pounds....?
Unmanaged hunger leads to OVER-eating, as does not eating ENOUGH. Its a tough balance to find. When I find myself extra hungry I am "trying" to eat more fruits, veggies and lean proteins...things that shouldn't lead to excess pounds...

Here are a few of my favorite post-run snacks (not meals):
-Trader Joes Organic Greek Yogurt (Vanilla) with some trail mix or fruit mixed in
-Ezekiel bread and Peanut butter ( timeless, classic!)
-A serving of Gatorade with a scoop of protein powder.
-Apple and string cheese

What are YOUR nutritional dilemmas? Fav snacks? Share, please! :)

Happy Running...and eating! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Motivation

I love an inspiring story...a happy ending....a feel good moment.
I love Biggest Loser, I love reading the "success stories" in my many fitness magazines and I am even loving that new show "UnderCover Boss"....
Here are a few motivational links I wanted to share with you all this evening:


Running to Tyler:
4 Santa Barbara firefighters set out on a 94 mile run to see a fellow firefighter in the cancer ward of UCLA medical center.

One word: Incredible. This video is so inspiring. The 11 minutes to watch is SO worth it. Turn your volume on. Try not to drip your tears on your keyboard. Watching this reminds me to be thankful for my health and for my two working legs, that allow me to be able to run and be active every day.

2) Stories from women and how running changed their lives:

3) and lastly, a good motivational quote...from my guru, Ms. Jillian Michaels:

"Unless you puke, faint or die...keep going!"

Feeling Motivated?

Good! Go out there and be active! :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Healthy Brownies: Recipe Rematch you know the first "healthy" brownie recipe....not so goes Round 2

  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder (I used Ghiradelli)
  • 2 tsp instant coffee powder ( I did not use me gusta coffee! or coffee flavor!)
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 2 Tbs chocolate chips
  • 1/2 can white beans (or any kind that you have on hand...I used black beans), rinsed and filled with new water
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup water

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 8″ x 8″ baking pan.
  • Whisk together all of the dry ingredients.
  • Puree the beans and the water they are canned in.
  • Add pureed beans, vanilla, and additional water to dry mixture.
  • Mix thoroughly and then pour into baking pan.
  • Instructions say to bake for 22-25 minutes, rotating pan half-way through cooking time. I had to cook closer to 35 minutes.
  • Keep an eye on the brownies – you don’t want the edges to overcook!
  • Allow brownies to cool completely before devouring :)

Finished Product:
Similar to my last kitchen adventure...these LOOK like brownies, SMELL like brownies....and this time.....drum roll, please....

they TASTE like brownies....YEAH! Success!

Try out the recipe and let me know what you think! Post your comments!

Happy Baking!