Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Runner" or "Girl Who Runs"

Am I a “runner” or just "a girl who runs”?

What is the difference? Does it really matter? Does it matter what other people think about me or how they label me?

From my perspective I know some REAL “runners” and I know some “people who run.” The people in my Thursday running club---they are “runners”….but I run with them, so does that make me a runner?

I am not a fast girl…this body was built for endurance and strength…not swiftness…:) I think some people are surprised when they find out that I run…”oh you run?” ---- like since I am not 110 pounds there is no way I can be a runner…nonsense…

To many of my friends and family members…they see me as a “runner”---one of those serious hardcore types—while most of the time I see myself as just “a girl who runs.” When they categorize me that way---I have to admit it makes me feel pretty good about myself… :)

When I look back at past 5-6 months of training for this race…I think somewhere along the way I might have gone from a “girl who runs” to a “runner.” I don’t know when or how it happened but I think about running all the time, read tons of running books/websites/blogs, I am already thinking about my next race…I am trying new gear, new training ideas, always trying to improve and do my best, became a pace leader for my Thursday runninig club…and most of all I look forward to it....even miss it when I can't do it...

I guess at the end of the day…who cares if I am a “runner” or just a “girl who runs”… thats for me to define and not to prove to other people. I am happy with MY running lifestyle… I know I am healthy and strong…I am proud of myself…I do it for me and for no one else.

I think I will probably vasilate on this continmum for the rest of my life…

In 2008, I trained for my first ½ marthon, but then most of 2009 I didn’t really run at all….now I am training for a marathon. After this I am looking forward to re-incoprating other forms of exercise I back into my schedule (I miss you spin bike!)…so I may run “less”…. but I also am already planning to run a ½ in October….and maybe become a spin instructor….who knows….

All I know is that running, and being active in general, will always be a big part of my life…

Holla Back: Are you a "runner" or "someone who runs" ??? What do YOU think?

Happy Running!

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