Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recovery and What's Next

There seems to be no real recipe for RECOVERY....some say run the day after ( to flush your lactic acid) some say take one day off for every mile ran ( 26 days off? Seriously???)

I have not run since last Sunday's BIG RACE....that is one full week of recovery.

In the days after the race I was experiencing some "strange" (yet totally normal) physiological issues.....from Sunday to Wednesday I was still feeling "sore muscles" ( albeit less and less as the days went by), at times I was starving and other times felt nauseous and didn't want to eat, I was tired, bloated with a capital "B" ( holy weight fluctuations!), super emotional....super happy and then crying....it was an interesting week to say the least.

I think this weekend I reached some sort of post race homeostasis and I am refreshed and ready to get back out there. All week I have been walking for at least 30 minutes each day, which yes, is a HUGE decrease in activity, but I think has really helped me heal my body.

So what's next? What is the game plan?

Well here is my post-marathon plan:

1) Keep Running....Duh!
I have not decided on my next marathon race, but I have already signed up to run a 1/2 marathon---the inaugural Rock and Roll LA 1/2 marathon in October. A half marathon seems like a more manageable distance and will allow me some more flexibility in incorporating other forms of exercise back into my schedule. I am also looking to maybe pick-up my speed a bit and work on my general pace and form to improve my running.

2) Get back into the gym!
Yes, there was room in my old training schedule for cross-training. But I was really preserving my body for the running, so that each of my runs, was the best they could be. Prior to my marathon training I had lost my way in terms of my exercise dedication. I had gone from 5 + days in the gym--with spinning and weight training---to maybe making it to the gym 2-3 days a week. I am excited and ready to get back into the gym and do some real weight lifting and more intense cross training cardio and mix that with my running schedule.

3) Stay Involved!
I am keeping my ties to all the great groups who helped me to train and prepare for my marathon. I am an official pace leader for my Thursday Run Club ( GO ARC!) I also signed on to be a mentor to new members of the American Heart Association Start Training program. As a mentor I will be able to share my experiences with the marathon newbies, be their cheerleader and support them in accomplishing this amazing goal! I am so excited! By staying involved and committed to these groups, it will also help me stay on track for my 1/2 marathon as well.

4) Other random ambitions not yet determined..

-Become a a personal trainer or spin instructor?

-Get back in the triathlon game? ( to serve my exercise ADD and I really miss swimming)

-Totally switch it up and try a bike specific race --like a 1/2 century or century race?

Who knows! :)

Holla Back: Are your exercise goals exclusive to running? How do you keep things fresh and challenge yourself physically?

Happy Running!

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