Friday, April 30, 2010


Why is it that the "average" person has no problem taking a "rest day" ( a day off of exercise) but us exercise nuts freak out?

As an intelligent person, and on a logical level, yes, I understand the importance of a rest day...
-Better recovery- replace glycogen stores ( bring on the carbs!) and allow muscles to repair
-Reduced chance of injury- training for a marathon is inherently over-using the same muscles and joints, over and over
-Mental break- so you don't "burnout"

But... on a gut level, its hard to justify to yourself and to believe that NOT training could possibly HELP and make me perform better in the long run. It's hard to wrap your head around...

Its like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other...

ANGEL: Your body is screaming for a BREAK: My eyes have been twitching ( like crazy), I am not getting enough sleep (avg 6 hours is no bueno), my muscles feel heavy and don't "feel rested," I am having more emotional-type days (no one should cry for 4 days in a row...girl or not), my appetite is all off...

DEVIL: Your brain is screaming at you to SUCK IT UP: You feel guilty. You feel lazy. You are mean to yourself, you beat yourself up: Lauren if you can't run 5 today, what makes you think you can finish 19 on saturday, let alone 26...You only have 5 more weeks, push through it...So what if your knees/ankle/toenails hurt, keep going!

Isn't running/exercising supposed to relieve stress?!?! why am I stressed about running (or NOT running as the case may be)....

Okay body....I give win....let's rest...

Happy Running and Resting!


  1. TAKE THE BREAK!!! You are going to miss your knees if you don't! It will make you more of a rockstar at your rock'n'roll :)
    Love you!!!

  2. Fresh legs from a rest day mean a successful day on the day it counts (i.e. your 19 miler). Its rather fascinating, but give in because you are the last person in this world to be guilt of laziness!
