I am officially less than one month away from running my very first marathon...
(Still makes me a bit nauseous every time I say that...is that normal?!?!)
This has been a great journey for me. I am amazed at how strong I really am and how hard I can really push myself.
Last weekend was my 19-miler, and I have to say, I think it went awesome....the last 20 minutes were insanely hard. I was so irritable by the end I was yelling at all the gnats swarming what they presumed to be a dead-body... maybe it was my smell, maybe it was because I was running so slow.... :)
I have one more LONG run....22 MILES!!!!.... and then I begin my taper (tapering is the training phase right before a long distance event, such as a marathon, when a runner starts to cut back on his or her mileage....this helps you physically and mentally prep for your race).
I have always been more of the self-deprecating type, but I have to give my self some serious props on this... since starting my training program in January I have run over 291 miles!!
To celebrate....here is a little present I got myself....a GARMIN....and I love it!
And a new Running Divas tank top...."freakishly strong"....very true! :)
Thanks for all the support!
Happy Running!
OMG!!! Rock on girl! That Garmin will change your training completely! Have fun!!!