Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"I'm A Runner"

No, this post is not about drug rehab or if running can enhance your sex life ( although, I have read that....I digress)

This post is about one of my favorite "running-related" things, something that I look forward to each month from Runner's World Magazine ( and/or website)....It is called the "I'm A Runner" section.

Each month they feature a new "famous person"-- athlete, singer, actress, politician, etc.-- on the last page of any issue or on the website, under the motivation tab.

I think of it as a spin-off of my celebrity news obsession (please note: in my previous post about my magazine obsession you did not see my tall stack of US Magazine, Life & Style....I know its a serious problem!) I love reading about what other runners do ( as if it is more exciting since they are a celebrity, or something?), their tips, what works for them and how they became runners in the first place.

The most recent runner featured was Dr. Drew Pinsky....who I L-O-V-E! His interview is great. I love his unapologetic tone when he says "I run slow. Very slow. I'm old." I don't think he is old, so I am pretty sure he is not THAT slow...

Check out the interview:,7120,s6-243-410--13392-1-1X2-3,00.html

News My Fellow Runners Can Use:

Have you heard about Michael Pollan's new book?

What's all this talk about barefoot running...are you kidding me? Def not for me....


1 comment:

  1. Thats my favorite RW article too!! I open that one first... actually, a perfect read for the pot. Umm... okay, TMI. :)
