Friday, February 19, 2010

The Before and After Effect

Since I am exhausted...I am going to tell my story in pictures tonight...

This is what I have felt like EVERY day this week (long week at work...I will spare you the details)

Poor Amy...and I am not exaggerating, my hair even looked about the same too...

BUT....this is what I feel like after I finish a run....
A jolly gingerbread gallivanting through the fields ---I love this little guy from Shrek:)

Anyways, the moral of this story is....exercise cures makes you forget about your worries and stress, makes you feel better, helps you sleep better....its my drug...its the best.

So even when you feel like "Amy" (see above) remember that warm, fuzzy wonderful gingerbread feeling you get after...

And remember its SOOOOOOO worth it!

Happy Running!


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Oh man you cracked me up with this! I think I looked something like that too after this week : )
