Wednesday, January 27, 2010



That is the first question people ask you when you tell them you are training for a marathon...usually followed by a look of disgust or a furrowing of the brow which lets you know they are also simultaneously doing a mental evaluation of you to confirm their suspicions that you are certifiably insane... to which they quickly follow-up with...

"Are you crazy?"

So to answer you....WHY am I training for a marathon....

1) Why Not? Seriously...I LOVE being active and pushing myself...

2) I am training with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association "Start! Training" Team to raise money for stroke research. Certainly a worthy cause! Some of you may or may not know, that my "Bema" ( my grandma) passed away a little over three years ago after having a stroke. I miss her SO MUCH and thought this would be a nice, personal dedication to her--from me.

3) Heck, if the people on the Biggest Loser can do can I

4) My life as a "young, successful, career-woman" ( aka: commuting and living in my cubicle for about 12 hours a day) has left me with less energy and less time for exercise....things are getting a little squishy and the jeans are getting a little tight....if you know what I mean...ha ha ha :)

5) In a "bucket list" sort of way, I feel like I have done a triathlon and I have done a half marathon, now its time for the FULL Marathon...something I feeling freakishly compelled to do...

( In the coming weeks, on those not-so-good days, I plan to re-visit this post as a reminder to myself of WHY I am doing this!)

Holler at your girl (aka: post a comment...ha ha): Have you done a marathon? Do you want to? Share your story with me!



  1. Congrats on taking on this journey Lauren!!!! I'm so proud of you... I think it was maybe YOU who thought I was crazy when I announced I was training for a marathon back at UCLA. It felt crazy at the time, but it really has changed my life. You will rock this marathon!!! It will consume you, YES. It will be hard, YES. But once you know you can run 26.2 miles (plus a little extra as you swerve around people)... you know you can do anything you set your mind to.

    GOOD LUCK in training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read this blog and see how your journey unfolds. WOO HOO!!!

  2. Yay girl - I miss Bema a lot too! I use one of her hysterical sayings just about every day. I am going to half to think of another way to honor her though because I am not equiped to run a marathon! You will do awesome...when's our family reunion going to be?!?!!

  3. have...not half - lovely switcharoo there :)

  4. I completely understand those reasons ... it's feel good to push yourself! Ha, and I thought the exact same thing when I saw the people on Biggest Loser running one! You'll do great!!! :)

  5. Lauren I am so proud of you to take this on! You will succeed with your usual grace and I can't wait for the next installment! Please stay healthy and injury-free!!

  6. Good for you, girl!!! I have always been impressed with your goals and successes-- and this is no exception. Best of luck in your training and I can't wait to hear how everything goes!
