Saturday, January 30, 2010

Training Group Week 1: Why are we passing around potato chips?

The focus of today's first Training Group Run was form. Remember: we are trying to cross that finish line in one piece and injury-free.

While we ran our short run today, as a drill, we had to hold a potato chip in each hand ---hey, they were baked :)---this was to teach us not to clench our hands while running, potato chips are fragile you know. I did not know this but as you clench your fists running you also clench your toes---bad thing---so remember to have a relaxed upper body stance, chest up, arms at a 90 degree angle and LOOSE hands. So I ran this morning for 2 miles with potato chips in hand....oh the irony of it all! Try it, kind of fun ( don't worry about the weird looks from other runners)... and as a built in bonus you have a snack at the end! :)

(* this 2-miles was a little longer than our planned 1-mile...we took a wrong turn at some point...Griffith park is like a matrix of running paths, people all over the place, running in every direction possible*)

Coach Bert said something at today's training that I really liked...."RESPECT the Distance." If you know we me, then you know I am a worrier. A few weeks ago before I started the training, I was like " oh my god, when are we going to start?, there is not enough time to train before June, how will I ever get to 26.2 miles....I always feel like I need to do more. I need to remember there is "enough" time to get me there, to trust the process, and to not over-do it.

After all, slow and steady wins the race...right? :)


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